
The Week in Bites <br> 24th April 2016

The Week in Bites <br> 24th April 2016


We kicked things off this week with a look at the science behind pressure cooking. This cooking technique has been around for a long time but still strikes fear in some cooks.

How does it work? Why should you use it? Is it worth it?

Find out here[1].


As the week progressed we reached out to author Bee Wilson about what influences a child's palate. Wilson's book First Bite: How We Learn To Eat explores the topic.

Read our exclusive interview[2] and find out just what shapes our palate since our birth.


Our week ended with a mouthwatering photo gallery of the glorious dishes presented at Le Strade della Mozzarella[3], the epic Italian festival dedicated to buffalo mozzarella.

Here's a look at the amazing dishes[4] created by international chefs.


  1. ^ Find out here (
  2. ^ Read our exclusive interview (
  3. ^ Le Strade della Mozzarella (
  4. ^ Here's a look at the amazing dishes (
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