
Internet Goes Crazy After Mum Says Her Baby Looks Just Like Gordon Ramsay

The world believes it has found a baby doppelganger of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and Twitter has been going crazy over the past few days with the news. 


It all started when Claire Dempster, a mum from Cardiff, Tweeted Ramsay [1]with a picture of her baby, asking the chef if he had been in Wales around 10 months ago. 
Internet Goes Crazy After Mum Says Her Baby Looks Just Like Gordon Ramsay


She was joking about the uncanny likeness the baby shares with the celebrity chef but what she washt expecting is a reply from Ramsay. 

Internet Goes Crazy After Mum Says Her Baby Looks Just Like Gordon Ramsay


He  replied to Dempster’s tweets and to fuel the fire with a few logs said he was actually in Wales just a month before she was thinking. 


It’s obviously all a bit tongue in cheek but it’s pretty crazy how much the baby looks like the chef. 


For those who want a more serious hit of Ramsay, here he is nailing a reporter[2] who tried to stitch him up over well done steak. 


  1. ^ Tweeted Ramsay (
  2. ^ nailing a reporter (
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